Although I hate those meme things, I am intrigued to find out what people are reading for Lent. For my spiritual reading, I am finally reading Pope Benedict's Jesus of Nazareth, just a couple of pages a day. For my Lenten study, Cardinal George's book, The Difference God Makes. He is, I think, the most intellectually able of the current bench of US bishops, and this collection is worth wading through. He echoes John Allen's new book, Future Church (or Allen echoes him), about the need for a return to apologetics, and some interesting things to say about evangelizing US culture.
"The public authority, the government, while it must protect freedom and foster justice, cannot teach. But the Church can; and this claim to teach the truth is truly counter cultural. It explains why anti-Catholicism is a socially and intellectually respectable prejudice among much of the cultural elite in this country. Since the culture is too narrow for Gospel truth, Catholic evangelizers want to enlarge American culture and broaden its vision."
Cardinal Francis George, OMI.