Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stop the Insanity!

After the RCIA tonight, I went out at 8.30pm to look at the thermometer: it said that it was -30F, that is also -30C! Yes, that's right -30C! That is just not Christian.


canon1753 said...

Well, you are in Vermont.....

Besides, its 5 degrees f out now, and snowing. What more do you want? It to be above freezing? That's just unVermontish in January!


All kidding aside, it is cold, #$%###% cold. Stay warm, Father!

GOR said...

When I first came to the US - going on 40 years ago - the Wisconsin winters were a shock to the system. A far cry from the 'temperate' winters of Ireland and England or the 'balmy' winters of Rome (where we did have snow - only once and briefly).

Now, while they still smart, I find myself unconcerned about 0 degrees or 6" of snow. But 40" of snow (cumulative), wind chills of -40 and incessant shoveling, still get my attention.

But - on the bright side - it's only 8-10 weeks to golf...!

gemoftheocean said...

-30C is a lot colder than -30F, although at that point you probably wouldn't give a rap! You're supposed to stay indoors with a St. Bernard, a roaring fire and some hot rum. Whassamattayou?

the owl of the remove said...

Karen - sadly no possibility of a "roaring fire," unless I burn down my apartment - now the rum.....

Liz said...

It was so cold Friday night that the fluid in my niece's car radiator froze. She'd driven up from NYC where her mechanic had put the fluid in according to the standards for driving around in that area. Apparently it has to be more diluted to work properly up in the northern reaches. Still we were better off than Toronto where they had a major blackout...

Three cheers for lots of wool garments!

Rebecca Frech said...

I have the solution for you. Move to Oklahoma. You would be joyously greeted by the faithful Catholics here and enjoy our winter weather with highs today in the 50's. Don't ask about the summers though. They're why God invented air conditioning.