This morning we visited Rochester Cathedral. Despite having lived in Kent since the age of six, I had never visited either the old town, or the Cathedral, even though it's only about thirty minutes away. It's odd how often we don't go to places in our own backyard. The Cathedral is really quite sweet - I was really interested in going so that I could walk the same stones that its most famous Bishop, St. John Fisher himself trod. The entrance to the Choir has a set of eight statues of "heroes" of the Cathedral - St. John Fisher is the last on the right. Interestingly, they have the first real fresco in an English Cathedral in 800 years - in iconographic style, very fresh colours. Then a little visit to a couple of book stores - two Penguin editions of Belloc found: 'The Cruise of the Nona,' and 'Selected Essays', for £4.oo - not bad! Weather still showery and blustery - so much for coming home earlier this year for better weather!