Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pligrimage to NYC

The next Archbishop of New York/Westminster

I have been rather remiss since I got back from my two day pilgrimage to NYC over two weeks ago - very little blogging - life is just too hectic even in snowy Stowe (yes, it's already snowing and we will not see green grass until April). My kind and generous host, the next Archbishop of New York, Father George Rutler, welcomed me into his modest and simple rectory. I celebrated his morning Mass for him on Veterans Day - celebrating Mass in a city parish is certainly quite different from rural Vermont, with people wandering in and out during Mass and rather 'sotto voce.' Then I made my annual visit to the Frick Gallery, principally to see the Holbein 'St Thomas More.' It has almost an iconic quality and I was able to spend several minutes close to the picture. Right next to the Thomas More is Holbein's portrait of Thomas Cromwell - the two contrasting portraits show more powerfully than any photograph sanctity and cruel, naked ambition. I wonder if Cromwell was happy with his portrait? I had forgotten that the Frick also had El Greco's 'St. Jerome,' and the Fra Philippo Lippi 'Annunciation.' I then repaired to an "Irish" pub for a light collation before having a wonderful supper with a good friend. On the Wednesday, my 14th anniversary, I concelebrated with the sainted Pastor, did a few touristy things and ended my day with some bubbly and good conversation with the next Archbishop of Westminster.


Liz said...

Owl, Since you just told us about your nice visit in NYC with dinners and bubbly etc., I have a question for you. What is the protocol for parishoners asking priests to come for a meal, especially at holidays? In all the years I've been Catholic (11 and counting) I've never gotten up the nerve to ask. I always wonder whether someone else in the parish (like a parish council member or something) is inviting them or that they have family to spend holidays with, but I never know for sure. With someone like you whose family is far far away, I would hope that someone is inviting you for Thanksgiving... I'm just a little bit shy about extending an invitation myself.

So are you spending Thanksgiving with a. a brother priest, b. a parish family c. all by yourself d. the bishop or e. someone other than any of the above?

the owl of the remove said...

Liz - most of the Vermont priests have family, so I presume they go to them. Others are invited by parishioners/friends. I have spent the last four Thanksgiving meals with a family who I became friends with through my work with the Burlington Police - they usually have five or six other guests. Thank you for the thoughts - and Happy Thanksgiving!