Saturday, September 29, 2007


Thanks to all the kind persons who responded to my last post - more than ten people ARE reading it - you sad folks! I'm just finishing a nice glass of bubbly with my mother after evening Mass. I find that mental, spiritual and physical exhaustion tends to disappear the more frequently one drinks Champagne - I wonder if the Desert Fathers would disagree. Too bad!



I am sure that there are more than ten of us who read your site. Indeed I have you on an RSS feed so that I know as soon as you have posted anew.

To see at any time how many are visiting or have visited your blog go to
and sign up. It's painless and free.

Indeed I have given your blog address to the priest at my daughter's Catholic boarding school.

However I am damned to perdition and hell's eternal fire as I am CofE and my late mother was presbyterian!

However maybe I will spared some of it as I, too, share you love of Billy Bunter (not forgetting Dennis the Menace and Nasher) and am equally obsessed with the writings of Hilaire Belloc.

Best wishes from your home country and keep blogging.

Phil said...

Like Harrow Mr Harlequin, I have you listed on my RSS and so tend to read evertything you post via my email/reader programme. Unfortunately, this doesn't allow me to leave comments - I have to use a browser for that - and so I have been lazy, by not leaving the odd comment.

How could anyone not appreciate such a fine blog? You love the Faith, like fine wine and French food and best of all, you like 'alternative' English films and Terry Thomas... you rotter!! ;-)

BTW Should have said this a while ago, but I like what you've done with your church.

Fr. Peter said...

I find Scotch works just as well.

Anonymous said...

Just dropped by via Fr John's blog.
Like Philip i link to you via RSS. So you see that makes 11 readers!

Liz said...

My own recourse tends to be zinfandel or riesling, but I thoroughly approve of the champagne. I'm sorry, Fr. Peter, but I just can't "do" scotch. My son laughs at me for liking "girly drinks," but I loathe the taste of any hard liquor straight. Oh dear, does that mean I still haven't overcome my Pentecostal roots???

Anyway, I hope, Fr. Ben, that you have a lovely, refreshing, time with your mom and that she falls in love with Vermont and comes back frequently.

Jay Scott Newman said...

Clearly, when you come down to South Carolina for an apostolical visitation, we're going to have to introduce you into the deep mysteries of bourbon whiskey, the true libation of gentlemen.

Mulier Fortis said...

Funnily enough, a drink I'm rather partial to (but rarely get the opportunity to imbibe) is a "Whisky Mac"...

...I find that a glass or two of something alcoholic does wonders for my marking... I still mark ferociously "hard" but I get progressively less upset by the blatant science, spelling and grammatical mistakes...

WhiteStoneNameSeeker said...

Don't like champagne much (all the more for you father ;) ) But I do like Banrock Station red wine when I can get it.

God bless and congratulations on the award from Mac :)