Just been very busy - and had a little bit of blogging 'ennui'. Still waiting for my bookcases, which I ordered in August, to arrive - first they said October - now it's November - so tonight I opened all my boxes and piled up my books against the wall - at least I can now find something if I need it. We have a parish mission starting on Sunday - Father Tim Alkire, from Lafayette, Indiana, will be flying in on Friday. Father Alkire has had tremendous success in producing vocations in his parish - so far five priests and ten religious vocations! The theme of his mission will be "Authentic Renewal: The two pillars of the Eucharist and Our Lady." Pastor of two parishes, and on the diocesan tribunal, Father Tim is also doing a doctorate - in Krakow - in Polish - in his spare time(!) - and I think I'm busy!
Where in heck did you order those bookcases from? England?
Sadly, Karen, I used the internet, 'Home Decorators,' which I think is a branch of Home Depot - be warned!
Yikes!!!! Some years back I got 5 beautiful solid oak bookcases. Gorgeous. Worth every penny. But I got them delivered within a few days of when I bought them!
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