Shocking news from England! Apparently, due to the rigours of the recession, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second has been forced to take a job in a local fast-food restaurant, only yards from Buckingham Palace. Please help the family by sending any donations you can spare to BucksFizz.com.
(Saturno tip to the sainted Pastor of Park Avenue for sending me the picture)
I bet she wouldn't mess up my order. I'm sure she'd put enough napkins in the bag and remember the straw. At least she wouldn't be mooning over some teenager on the crew and give me correct change.
Isn't it amazing how Her Majesty's photo-shopped face makes even that tacky uniform look elegant.
I'm just commenting on londiniensis's avatar...I LOVED the Avengers...
"Mr. Steed, we're needed." : )
Cool blog, though, Father! Owl of the remove...Curious name. There's been a lot of "owl"activity in my life lately, and it's growing more curious by the day.
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