Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The Owl has been rather quiet recently - apologies to my three readers (it may be two by now) - after the incredible busyness of Holy Week/Easter, the Owl was roosting on another perch for a few days.


gemoftheocean said...

For a while there I thought you had extended the Easter Monday Coma into a real coma OR had gone to Biaritz or somesuch. :-D That or had taken up spring skiing.

gemoftheocean said...

At least glad to know we don't have to send out a sled dog for you with a keg, although you'd probably welcome the keg if it was filled with a beverage of choice.

Liz said...

I'm sending new readers your way, or at least long enough to find your English martyrs talk. So please how about some new posts.

GOR said...

"The Owl has been rather quiet recently..."So, no longer "The clamorous owl, that nightly hoots, and wonders at our quaint spirits"...?


Volpius Leonius said...

Make that four readers Father ;)

Rebecca Frech said...

I guess that makes me #5. You're more popular than you thought.