Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Icon

This weekend in the parish we blessed the new image, in the icon style, of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. He is in our Church because Stowe is the most popular ski resort in New England and, as the Patron of Skiers and Hikers, Blessed Pier Giorgio provides a wonderful example for all who visit the Church. I hope the veneration of his image will inspire our young people with a greater devotion to the Eucharist and to an active Catholic life. The image is the work of Ken Jan Woo, the Chinese convert artist who has filled Fr. Rutler's Church in NYC with wonderful images.


Jay Scott Newman said...

Very nice.

Even better would have been his favorite pipe clenched in his teeth, with the lips curled into a knowing smile!

Kate said...

That is beautiful! He is one of the patrons of my parish’s young adult group, he is such an inspiration!

gemoftheocean said...

How cool! I love the icon-style of this image.

A Catholic Man said...

What a beautiful Icon and yes indeed a man our youth can relate to.Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was so clearly a normal, energetic young man, who skied and smoked a pipe, and dates, yet he lived his faith heroically.

tubbs said...

I came across this blog as it was mentioned by the blogpriest from "St. Mary Magdeline" in the UK. It seems absolutely charming, Father, Please keep up the good work. Yours, Tubbs


MomWithManyJobs said...

Awesome!! I pray that this beautiful image will speak to the hearts of your young people!

the owl of the remove said...

Sorry Mr Tubbs - didn't see the "don't post' - but thanks!