Friday, April 25, 2008


There have been various reports circulating about the web - like a few months ago - that the Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman was to be beatified. Is this actually confirmed? If so, when - and where? Will it take place in Birmingham (England, not Alabama)? If so, it will certainly be one of the most important occasions in the life of the Catholic Church in England in the last 100 years. I must investigate ticket prices......


mom v many said...

Hey Fr. Ben,
I found your blog by acting like Alice down the hole this early AM.
I was blogging some years back but it turned into a cobweb. My honey said I needed to begin again. Here is mine,
You'll know me when you see me!

canon1753 said...

From what the Fathers of the Oratory said, it looks like it is at the stage right before announcing the Beatification, so no dates or anything announced. It sounds like it might be fairly soon, but not determined fully yet.

the owl of the remove said...

I am assured by the Sainted Pastor of Park Avenue that Benedict is going to reserve this Beatification to himself - and it will be in Rome - interesting - we shall see!

canon1753 said...

Sounds like a road trip is in order!