Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Don't Let the Facts Spoil a Good Story!

As if we didn't know, the "facts" reported by The New York Times about Pope Benedict have been demolished, by no less than the Judge who investigated the case. That has not stopped the NY Times from continuing to attack the Church: clearly admitting sloppy reporting and bias is impossible for the failing flagship of the liberal elite. Archbishop Dolan of New York and Bishop DiMarzio of Brooklyn deserved great praise for their outspoken comments about the NY Times

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Owl, if you can spare 30 seconds or so, throw one upstairs to the big guy for me. Life has given me a challenging week - and the worse part has me down about the future. Not a spiritual crisis by any means (at least not anymore than normal:-))...but I'll take any help I can get. Good Friday service at the Newman Center with just my parents this year, Fr. Jon gave a nice homily. Many new faces at the NC...course it had been several years for me...the times are a changing, for better or worse..z