Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wisdom from Belloc

"The love of Truth is the distinguishing mark between men."

"A man who loves Truth and has the Faith is up against it."

"The Catholic Church is a thing of which a man never despairs or is ashamed."

What modern anti-Catholicism is - it is...."anti-civilization, anti-it, anti-wine, anti-laughter of a free sort, anti-love, anti-celibacy, and anti-pure stuff!"


Anonymous said...

Clearly Arnie's back even if it's a cameo role:

The real question is when is the Owl of the Remove going to return?!?!

Anonymous said...

I’m quite sure your up to speed on your Commonweal reading:-), but just in case you weren’t the 09/24/2010 issue has an article titled “Catholic Vermont, A Short & Unfinished History” by Nicholas CLIFFORD. CLIFFORD opines, “The monthly diocesan magazine dutifully reprints accounts of the local happenings, but gives its readers no guidance as to how they might cope with the damaging revelation of ecclesiastical wrongdoing at home and abroad. Indeed its editorial policy is reflected in the petulant and often ill-tempered effusions of it columnists (including the syndicated George Weigel). Only the sins of the flesh seem to count…” – I’m not sure what other columnists (plural) CLIFFORD is referring to (I have a few guesses)…but columnists can’t please everyone or so the saying goes…

In this same article CLIFFORD dubs Senator Leahy as a “strong” Catholic. Even I need some clarification on Mr. CLIFFORD’s definition of “strong” – but anyway...

Mr. CLIFFORD apparently has taught Chinese history for many years at Middlebury College – phew…I thought maybe his specialty was Catholic Church history in Vermont!!! Still, CLIFFORD’s 2 page article does put the current Vermont Church demographic situation (# of Catholics, priests etc.) in a little bit of historical perspective. …If you would like a gift subscription to Commonweal for a year…just let me know:-)! Hope all is well with you and your family. I still throw a few up to the Almighty for you now and then...